Craig Munro
Literary Lion Tamers


A Propos of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', 96–7, 110

Aboriginal Day of Mourning and Protest, 138

Aborigines Progressive Association, 137–9

Abrahams, Cecil, 6–7

Acton, Harold, 83–4

Adamson, Bartlett, 145

Adelaide Festival, 117

Advertiser (Adelaide), 208

The Age, 139

The Age Fiction Book of the Year, 231, 250

Allen & Unwin Australia, 215, 232–3, 250–1

The Americans, Baby, 173

Amorous Fiammetta, 105

Angus & Robertson (A&R), 10, 28, 32, 35, 66, 123, 130, 140, 152–4, 157, 159–70, 177–80, 186–95, 197–8, 201–2, 204–6, 208–15, 240–2, 248

The Animals Noah Forgot, 119

Anne of Green Gables, 240

Anstey, Frank, 80

The Apostle (Gympie), 21

Archibald, J.F., 26–8, 41–6, 64, 172, 207–8

ASIO, 150

Aspects of the Dying Process, 230

Astley, Thea, 181–2, 197, 214–15, 218, 230

Athenaeum Club (Sydney), 32–3

Atherden, Geoffrey, 54

Australia-First Movement, 141, 145–8

Australia First philosophy, 133–5

The Australian, 228, 248–9

Australian Book Publishers Association, 162, 240–1

Australian Book Review, 235

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 222

Australian Encyclopaedia, 160

The Australian Journal, 117, 125

Australian Literary Studies, 98

The Australian Mercury, 132–7

Australian Short Stories, 231

The Australian Women's Weekly, 36

Bail, Murray, 4

Bailey, Bert, 53

Baker, Kate, 66–7

Ballad and Lyrical Poems, 39

Barker, Anthony, 179, 189

Barnard, Marjorie, 140, 143

Barnes, John, 61

Barton, Gordon, 170, 214

Barunggam nation, 12

Bates, Daisy, 208, 214

The Bath, 122

The Battlers, 198

Bayldon, Arthur, 34

Beatrice Davis Editorial Fellowship, 215–25, 237

A Bed of Feathers, 105

Best, Marshall, 244

Bible, 62, 113

Bicycle and Other Poems, 247

Blamey, General Thomas, 3

Bliss (film), 53

The Blood Vote, 79

Blue Hills, 169

Boake, Barcroft, 45

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 16, 105

Bodleian Library (Oxford University), 87

Bohemians of the Bulletin, 32, 37

Bombelli, G.L., 119–21

Book Lover, 49

Book of the Month Club (US), 244

Booker Prize, 233, 250

The Bookfellow, 31, 37–8, 50

Bookworld stores, 52–3

The Boomerang, 21

Borges, Jorge Luis, 2

Bowman, Pearl, 218

Boy's Own Annual, 16

Bredt, Bertha See Lawson, Bertha (wife of Henry)

Brett, Lily, 218, 230

Brideshead Revisited, 83

Bridges, Frederick, 186

Bring the Monkey, 121

Brisbane Writers Festival, 235

British Broadcasting Corporation, 88

Brown, Janet, 242

Buckley, Anthony, 53–4

The Bulletin (Sydney), 12, 17, 19–20, 25–50, 61, 63, 68, 114, 119–22, 141, 158, 169, 172, 197, 241

Bulletin Newspaper Company, 41, 65, 70

The Buln-Buln and the Brolga, 65

Burns, Walter Vincent, 161–2, 164–8

Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes, 43

The Bushwhackers, 105

Cairns Argus, 23, 24

Campion, Jane, 54

Capricornia, 8, 117–18, 122–5, 128–30, 134–42, 174, 186–7, 191, 195, 197, 240

Carey, Peter, 2, 4, 53–4, 218, 221–2, 224, 230, 233

Carpentaria, 176

Carter, David, 242

Cathels, William, 66

Cato, Bob, 220

Cervantes, Miguel de, 30

Cherwell, 83–4

Chronicle (Brisbane), 42

Cinesound, 53

Citizens of Mist, 248

Clark, Hilary, 199–200, 202

Clark, Manning, 155–6

Clarke, Marcus, 30

Close, Anne, 220

Clune, Frank, 143–5, 148, 150, 166, 169, 176–7, 209, 215

Clyne Commission, 76–7

Commonsense Cookery Book, 159

Commonwealth Investigation Branch, 89, 114

Commonwealth Literary Fund, 157, 163, 213, 240

Commonwealth Security Service, 150

Commonwealth Writers Prize, 231, 250

Communist Party of Australia, 81, 156

Communist Party of Great Britain, 82, 85, 87–9

The Complete Works of Steele Rudd, 52–3

The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, 108, 110–11

The Courier-Mail, 3, 13

Cousins, Aubrey, 162

Cousins, Walter, 123, 130, 186–88, 191–2, 201, 208–9, 211

Croft, Julian, 65

Croll, R.H., 39

Crowley, Aleister, 10, 106–13, 117

Cowen, Zelman, 173

Cowper, Norman, 167–8

Cunnane, Mary, 220, 223, 236

Cunningham, Sophie, 236

Dad and Dave Come to Town (film), 53

Dad and Dave from Snake Gully (film), 53

Dad and Dave: On Our Selection (film), 53–4

Daily Chronicle (London), 25, 49

The Daily Standard (Brisbane), 78, 84–6

The Daily Telegraph (London), 49

Dark, Eleanor, 134

Dark Places, 136

The Darling Downs Gazette, 15, 17, 25

Davidson, Jo, 94, 100

Davies, Rhys, 101–2, 105, 108

Davis, Arthur Hoey ('Steele Rudd'), 11, 42–55

Davis, Beatrice, 10, 160, 165, 167–9, 171, 173–86, 188–98, 201–5, 207, 210–17, 237, 241–2 See also Beatrice Davis Editorial Fellowship

Davis, Eric, 44,

Davis, Tean, 44, 50–51

Davis, Thomas, 42

Davison, Frank Dalby, 134,
140, 197

Dawn and Dusk Club (Sydney), 50

de Groen, Frances, 195–6

Dibley, Arthur, 126, 128–31, 140

Dickens, Charles, 16, 20, 30

Disturbing Element, 176

Dransfield, Michael, 2, 247–9

Dreams in Flower, 35

Driberg, Tom, 87

Dujardin, Edouard, 106, 110

Dutton, Geoffrey, 157, 196

Eldershaw, Flora, 140

Endeavour Press, 114, 118–23

Evatt, H.V., 146, 150, 156

The Evening News (Sydney), 67

Eyre & Spottiswoode, 243

Fair Girls and Gray Horses, 46

Fanfrolico and After, 156

Fanfrolico Press, 91–3, 96, 101–2, 104–5, 112

Fellowship of Australian Writers, 69, 143, 177, 240

Ferguson, George, 162–8, 192–5, 210–12, 214, 241

Ferguson, John, 162

Fielding, Henry, 67

Fineflour, 232–4

Fisher Library (University of Sydney), 136

Fitzgibbon, Rosanne, 217–38, 251 See also Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award

Fitzgibbons, Athol, 228–9

Flinders, Matthew, 207–8

Fling, 231

Fly Away Peter, 250

Flying Doctor Calling, 207

Foal's Bread, 230–1

Fotheringham, Richard, 9, 51

The Foundations of Culture in Australia, 132–3

Four Poets, 249

Fragment, 164

Frankfurt Book Fair, 241

Franklin, Miles, 50, 57–61, 68, 114, 121, 134, 138–9, 148, 251 See also Miles Franklin Award

Frederick Muller (publishing company), 168

Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 250

Fryer Library (University of Queensland), 1–2, 32, 70, 78, 94, 97–8, 142, 196, 251

Furphy, John, 59–60

Furphy, Joseph, 57–70, 198

Furphy, Judith, 58–9

Furphy, Leonie, 59–60, 69

Furphy, Mattie, 69–70

Furphy, Samuel (father of Joseph), 58

Furphy, Samuel (son of Joseph), 69

Garner, Helen, 218, 221, 250

Garnett, Edward, 68

The Gift of Story, 230

Gilbert, Stuart, 105

Gilmore, Mary, 31, 50, 138–9, 168

Ginsberg, Allen, 220

Girls Together, 35

Giroux, Robert, 220

Glassop, Lawson, 190

The Golden Dress, 235

Goldston, Edward, 96, 109–10

Goodwin, Ken, 6, 87

Gordon, Adam Lindsay, 20, 43

Grace Leven Poetry Prize, 189

Grattan, C. Hartley, 69

The Great Australian Loneliness, 207–8, 210

The Great World, 250

Green, H.M., 197

Greene, Graham, 84, 87, 93

Grenville, Kate, 136, 230–1

Griffen-Foley, Bridget, 239

Groom, W.H., 15

Grothey, Robert, 149

Gympie Literary Circle, 20

The Gympie Miner, 18–24, 29

Gympie School of Arts, 19

Gympie Secular Association, 21

The Gympie Times, 19

Hall, Ken G., 53

Hall, Robert (Lord Roberthall), 82, 93–4, 113

Hall, Rodney, 2, 4, 57–8, 247–9

Halligan, Marion, 228–30, 234–5, 237

Halstead Press, 159, 161–3

Hamilton, Winifred, 51

Hardy, Frank, 163, 245

HarperCollins, 170, 236

Harris, Max, 169

Hart, Kevin, 221

Harwood, Gwen, 2

Hasluck, Paul, 151

Hawley, Janet, 234

Hayes, Archdeacon Leo, 2, 4–5, 32

Hayes postgraduate scholarship, 4, 9–10

Heart of Spring, 39

Hecate, 231

Herald (Melbourne), 140

Herbert, Sadie, 118, 131, 140–1, 188, 192

Herbert, Terry, 52–3

Herbert, Xavier, 2, 8, 10, 117–19, 122–43, 160, 171, 174–6, 183, 186–8, 191–6, 201, 251

Hergenhan, Laurie, 98

Heseltine, Philip, 105

High Ho to London, 152

Highton, Lisa, 236

Hill, Ernestine, 2, 117–18, 207–14, 251

Hill, Robert, 208, 213

History and Description of Sydney Harbour, 157

Holdsworth, Philip, 33

Hope, A.D., 244

Hopkins, Livingstone, 28

Hordern, Arthur, 161, 165

Horne, Donald, 141

Horwitz, 169

Hudson, G. Inglis, 126

Huebsch, Ben, 243–4

Hughes, Robert, 221

Humanities Research Centre (University of Texas), 111, 222

Huxley, Aldous, 91, 102

Idriess, Ion, 169, 181, 187

The Illustrated Sydney News, 33

An Imaginary Life, 250

In Search of Steele Rudd, 51

International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, 250

Interstate Parcel Express Co. (IPEC), 214

James, Neil, 163

Jarret, Dora, 122

Jennings, Kate, 218

Jimbour homestead, 12–15

John Shaw Neilson Award, 39

Johnno, 4

Jonathan Cape, 68

Jorgensen, Jorgen, 153–4

Joyce, James, 58, 105–6, 220

Kabbarli, 214

Kell, Vernon, 114

Kelly, Ned, 62

Kendall, Henry, 32

Keneally, Thomas, 218, 221–2

Kennedy, Margaret, 236

Kent, Jacqueline, 186, 203

Key Largo, 5, 7

Kipling, Rudyard, 27–8

Kisch, Egon, 144

Knopf, 220, 233

Knox, Ronald, 88

Ku Klux Klan, 222–3

Labour Monthly (UK), 89

Lady Chatterley's Lover, 94–100, 157–8

Lahr, Charles, 95, 98–100

Lambert, George, 47

Lamm, Don, 220

Langley, Eve, 10, 197–206

Langley, June, 198

Lascaris, Manoly, 243

Laughlin, James, 220

Lawrence, D.H., 10, 86, 94–105, 108, 110, 117

Lawrence, Frieda, 100, 103

Lawson, Bertha (daughter of Henry), 182–3

Lawson, Bertha (wife of Henry), 32

Lawson, Henry, 32–3, 45, 51, 62, 160–1

Lawson, Valerie, 31

The Legend of Aleister Crowley, 109–10

Leichhardt, Ludwig, 12–13, 243

The Letters of D.H. Lawrence, 98

Levy, Bronwen, 231–2

The Life and Opinions of Tom Collins, 65

Lilian's Story, 136

Lindsay, Jack, 78–81, 90–2, 102, 112, 156

Lindsay, Lionel, 47, 134

Lindsay, Norman, 31, 36–8, 47, 50, 78, 91, 113–15, 119, 121, 190, 202

Lindsay, Philip, 109

Literary World (London), 49

Literature Board of the Australia Council, 215, 233, 235–6, 240

Liverpool internment camp, 148

Lockyer, Jack, 9, 97, 110,124, 135, 151

The Lone Hand, 50

Loveday internment camp, 149

Loving Daughters, 221

Lunn, Hugh, 233

Lynch, Frank, 38

Lynch, Joe, 38

Macartney, Frederick T., 139

Macbeth, 67

Mack, Amy, 36

Mack, Louise, 34–6, 122

The Magician, 107

Malouf, David, 2, 4, 245–50

The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 28

Mandrake the Magician, 112

Mandrake Press, 96, 102–12

A Map of the Gardens, 234

Marr, David, 243

Masters, Olga, 2, 217, 221, 223, 230

Maugham, Somerset, 5, 107

May, Phil, 28

Maynard, Don, 249

McDonald, Nan, 180, 189, 202–4, 206

McDonald, Roger, 227, 248

McGilvray, Betty, 195

McKern, Leo, 53–5

McLaren, Jack, 105

McPhee Gribble, 250

Meanjin, 249

Mears, Gillian, 230–4

Menzies, Robert, 163

The Merchant of Venice, 16

Meredith, Gwen, 169

MI5, 114

Michener, James, 111

Miles, Beatrice, 136

Miles, William John, 132–7, 140–2, 145

Miles Franklin Award, 181, 196–7, 231, 239, 243,
247, 250

Military Police Intelligence, 146–7

Miller, E. Morris, 154

The Mint Lawn, 230, 232

Mitchell Library (State Library of New South Wales), 9, 30, 74–5, 89, 140, 160, 178, 182

MLA Convention, 221

Monkey Grip, 250

Moonchild, 108

Moore, Tom Inglis, 134, 139

Moorhouse, Frank, 2, 51, 172–3, 215

Movement Against War and Fascism, 144

Mudie, Ian, 158

Munro, Timothy, 54, 90

Murdoch, Rupert, 170

Murray, Les, 245

Myers, Francis, 68

My Love Must Wait, 207–9, 213

Nation, 157, 164

National Archives of Australia, 77, 145

National Book Council of Australia, 235

National Library of Australia, 124–5, 142, 160

Nation Review, 214

Neilson, John Shaw, 38–9
See also John Shaw Neilson Award

The New Coterie, 95

New Directions Press, 220

New Press, 221

News Limited, 170

New South Wales Bookstall Company, 50

New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards, 250

New South Wales Typographical Association, 17

New York book publishing, 217–25

The New Zealand Mercury, 200

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 136, 157

Niland, D'Arcy, 168

Nobel Prize for Literature, 127, 245

Northcliffe, Lord, 35

Northern Argus, 18

Northern Standard, 139

Norton See W.W. Norton

Not I, But the Wind, 100

The Observer (Sydney), 94, 99–100, 141

The Observer (UK), 245

O'Flaherty, Liam, 102, 105–6, 108–9

Ogilvie, Will, 46

O'Grady, John ('Nino Culotta'), 241–2

On Our Selection, 46–51, 57, 242

One Book Many Brisbanes (story anthologies), 235

Orioli, Pino, 96, 99, 101

Osborne, Roger, 65

Oscar and Lucinda, 233

Our New Selection, 50

Outback Press, 250

Over the Top with Jim, 233

Overland, 79–80

Oxford University, 87–90

Pacific Sea, 189

Packer, Frank, 141–2, 167–70, 214

Packer, Robert Clyde, 208

The Paintings of D.H. Lawrence, 96–7, 103–5

Palmer, Aileen, 68

Palmer, Nettie, 68

Palmer, Vance, 37, 46, 50, 68

Pansies, 103

Park, Ruth, 168

Partridge, Eric, 81

Pascoe, Bruce, 231

The Passing of the Aborigines, 208

Paterson, A.B., 28, 45, 119

Paterson, Fred, 80–1

Pavlova, Anna, 112

The Pea Pickers, 10, 197–203

Penguin Books, 94, 250

Peter Pan Land and Other Poems, 207

Petrov Royal Commission, 150

Phelan, Nancy, 36

A Place Among People, 57

The Ploughman, 127–8

Point Counter Point, 91

Poland, Louise, 180, 189

Pollinger, Laurence, 98–9

Poor Fellow My Country, 8, 142, 175, 196

Porter, Hal, 180–1, 214–15

P.R. Stephensen & Co., 122–6, 128–30

Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 69, 144, 160, 177

Prime Minister's Literary Awards, 231

Prior, Ken, 120–1

Prior, Sam, 120–1

The Publicist, 68, 134–8, 140, 145, 147

Publishing Studies, 163

Queen's College (Oxford), 82–4

Queensland Figaro, 21

Queensland Punch, 43

Queensland Writers Centre, 235

The Queenslander, 49

A Queenslander's Travel-Notes, 25

Rabelais, Francois, 106

The Rainbow, 104

Randall, D'Arcy, 217, 222, 231–2

Random House, 233

Red Europe, 80

Regardie, Israel, 113

Register (Adelaide), 67

Remembering Babylon, 250

The Return of the Brute, 109

Review of Reviews, 35

Rhodes scholarships, 8, 80–1, 89–90, 118

Richardson, Henry Handel, 114, 122, 177

Riddell, Elizabeth, 181

Ride a Cock Horse, 231–2, 234

Rigby, 169

Rigby's Romance, 65

Ritchie, Albert, 162, 164–5

Roaming Round the Darling, 145

Roberts, Warren, 94

Robertson, Connie, 190 See also Stephens, Connie

Robertson, George, 28, 161–2, 170, 182, 251

Robertson & Mullens, 166

Roderick, Colin, 160, 167, 241

Rodriguez, Judith, 2, 249

Roger Klein Awards, 220

Rolling Down the Lachlan, 144–5

Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award, 237

Ross, Robert, 222

Rudd, Steele See Davis, Arthur Hoey

Russell, David, 13–15

Saturdee, 119

Savage Club, 157–8

Schiffrin, Andre, 220

Secker and Warburg, 103

Sesqui-Centenary novel competition, 137, 139–40, 197

The Shadows Are Different, 205

Shakespeare Head Press, 168

Shakespeare, William, 30, 62, 67, 91, 136

Shand, Alexander, 76

Shapcott, Thomas, 249

Shapiro, Selma, 218–19

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 30

Shepparton Advertiser, 67

Shepparton News, 67

S.H. Prior Memorial Prize, 197–201 See also Prior, Sam

Simpson, Colin, 165, 182

Sisters Publishing, 250

Slessor, Kenneth, 38, 168, 249

Smith's Weekly, 120, 208

Society of Editors (Queensland), 235

Soldiers' Women, 10, 171, 174–6, 188, 191–6

South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies, 4–8

State Library of New South Wales, 57–8 See also Mitchell Library

State Library of Queensland, 15

Stead, Christina, 177

Steele Rudd and Company, 50 See also Davis, Arthur Hoey

Steele Rudd's Magazine, 50

Stephens, A.G., 10–12, 15–41, 45–50, 52, 55, 64–6, 70–1, 139, 182, 190, 239, 251

Stephens, Connie, 31, 190

Stephens, Constance Ivingsbelle, 24–5, 30

Stephens, Jessie, 29

Stephens, William, 29

Stephensen, P.R. ('Inky'), 8–9, 68, 70–158, 166–8, 171, 176–7, 187, 195, 251 See also P.R. Stephensen & Co.

Stephensen, Rosaline, 73–4, 112–13

Stephensen, Winifred, 74–5, 93, 109–10, 112–13, 128–9, 133, 140, 147–9, 151–2, 156, 158, 177

Stevens, Wallace, 249

Stewart, Douglas, 190, 200–1, 205

Stewart, Meg, 200, 205

Stone, Walter, 74, 158

Streets of the Long Voyage, 247–8

Such Is Life, 11, 57–8, 61–70, 139, 201

Sunday Worker (UK), 89, 91–2

Sutherland, Joan, 53, 55

Swain & Co., 166

Sydney Mechanics Institute, 17

The Sydney Morning Herald, 139, 168, 191, 234

Tardent, Henri, 77

Tatura internment camp, 150

Taylor, A.J.P., 88–9

Teens, 35, 122

Teens Triumphant, 122

Tennant, Kylie, 182, 198

The Territory, 207, 210

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 16, 20, 30

Thames & Hudson, 220

They're a Weird Mob, 164, 241–3

Thirteen Poems, 127

Thomas, Ieuan, 87–8

Thompson, Frank, 227, 247–8

Thwaite, Joy, 200

The Toowoomba Chronicle, 15, 17–18

A Tourist's Guide to Ireland, 105

Trades Union Congress (UK), 89

Traill, W.H., 34

The Tree of Man, 244

Truth (Sydney), 25, 49

Try Anything Once, 143–4

Tsaloumas, Dimitris, 249

Turner Hospital, Janette, 230

Twain, Mark, 20, 29, 198

Tyrrell, James, 32

Ulysses, 58, 220

Under Cover, 4, 173, 175, 251

University of Queensland, 1, 6, 75, 79–81, 103, 173

University of Queensland Press, 4, 7–10, 51–3, 79, 171, 217–23, 225–7, 230–6, 247–9

University of the South Pacific, 5–6

University of Sydney, 17, 163, 186, 249

Upfield, Arthur, 178–9

Urban, Amanda ('Binky'), 222, 224

Ure Smith, 241–2

Ure Smith, Sam, 242

The Viking of Van Diemen's Land, 153

Viking Press, 243–4

Vogel Award, 233

Vogue Australia, 233

Voss, 243–5, 247

Wachtell, Diane, 220

Waldren, Murray, 228–9

Walsh, Richard, 170, 173, 214–15

Warlock, Peter See Heseltine, Philip

Water into Gold, 209

Waugh, Evelyn, 83

We Were the Rats, 190

Wells, H.G., 187

West, Morris, 169

Whaley, George, 54

Where the Dead Men Lie, 45

White, Patrick, 127–8, 183, 222, 243–5

White, Ruth, 126–8

White, Victor, 126

White Topee, 202–3

Whiting Awards, 220

Whitman, Walt, 30

Wild & Woolley, 250

Wilde, Oscar, 203–4, 206

Wilding, Michael, 230

William Collins (UK), 169–70

A Woman's Experiences in the Great War, 35

Workers' Educational Association, 80–1

Workers' Theatre Movement, 89–90

The Workers' Weekly (UK), 84

Wright, Alexis, 176

W.W. Norton, 217–20, 223

Yale University Press, 221