Craig Munro
Literary Lion Tamers

Further Reading

AustLit online database,

Arnold, John, The Fanfrolico Press: satyrs, fauns & fine books, Private Libraries Association, London, 2009

Barker, Anthony, Dear Robertson: letters to an Australian publisher, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1982

—, One of the First and One of the Finest: Beatrice Davis, book editor, Society of Editors (Vic.), Melbourne, 1991

Barnes, John, The Order of Things: a life of Joseph Furphy, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1990

Barnes, John (ed.), The Writer in Australia: a collection of literary documents 1856–1964, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1969

Barnes, John and Lois Hoffman (eds), Bushman and Bookworm: letters of Joseph Furphy, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1995

Bennett, Bruce (ed.), Cross Currents: magazines and newspapers in Australian literature, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1981

Cantrell, Leon (ed.), The 1890s: stories, verse, and essays, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1977

—, A.G. Stephens: selected writings, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1978

—, Bards, Bohemians, and Bookmen: essays in Australian literature, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1976

Croft, Julian, The Life and Opinions of Tom Collins: a study of the works of Joseph Furphy, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1991

Dalziell, Tanya and Paul Genoni (eds), Telling Stories: Australian life and literature 1935–2012, Monash University Publishing, Melbourne, 2013

de Groen, Frances, Xavier Herbert: a biography, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1998

de Groen, Frances and Laurie Hergenhan (eds), Xavier Herbert: letters, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 2002

Dutton, Geoffrey (ed.), The Literature of Australia, Penguin, Melbourne, 1964

Fletcher, Brian H., Magnificent Obsession: the story of the Mitchell Library, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2007

Follett, Roslyn (ed.), Found in Fryer: stories from the Fryer Library Collection, University of Queensland Library, Brisbane, 2010

Fotheringham, Richard, In Search of Steele Rudd: author of the classic Dad & Dave stories, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1995

Franklin, Miles and Kate Baker, Joseph Furphy: the legend of a man and his book, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1944

Frost, Lucy (ed.), Wild Eve: Eve Langley's story, Random House, Sydney, 1999

Hanna, Cliff, The Folly of Spring: a study of the poetry of John Shaw Neilson, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1990

Hergenhan, Laurie (ed.), The Penguin New Literary History of Australia, Penguin, Melbourne, 1988

Hooton, Joy and Harry Heseltine, Annals of Australian Literature, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1992

Kent, Jacqueline, A Certain Style: Beatrice Davis — a literary life, Penguin, Melbourne, 2001

Lawson, Sylvia, The Archibald Paradox: a strange case of authorship, Penguin, Melbourne, 1983

Lindsay, Jack, Life Rarely Tells: an autobiography in three volumes, Penguin, Melbourne, 1982

Lindsay, Norman, Bohemians of the Bulletin, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1965

Lyons, Martyn and John Arnold (eds), A History of the Book in Australia 1891–1945: a national culture in a colonised market, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 2001

Muirden, Bruce, The Puzzled Patriots: the story of the Australia First Movement, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1968

Munro, Craig, Under Cover: adventures in the art of editing, Scribe, Melbourne, 2015

—, Wild Man of Letters: the story of P.R. Stephensen, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1984

Munro, Craig (ed.), The Writer's Press: UQP 1948–1998, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1998

Munro, Craig and Robyn Sheahan-Bright (eds), Paper Empires: a history of the book in Australia 1946–2005, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 2006

Nehls, Edward (ed.), D.H. Lawrence: a composite biography, vol. 3, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1959

Palmer, Vance, The Legend of the Nineties, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1954

Palmer, Vance (ed.), A.G. Stephens: his life and work, Robertson & Mullens, Melbourne, 1941

Phelan, Nancy, The Romantic Lives of Louise Mack, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1991

Roe, Jill, Stella Miles Franklin: a biography, HarperCollins, Sydney, 2008

Smith, Bernard (ed.), Culture & History: essays presented to Jack Lindsay, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1984

Stephensen, P.R., The Foundations of Culture in Australia: an essay towards national self-respect, W.J. Miles, Sydney, 1936

—, Kookaburras and Satyrs: some recollections of the Fanfrolico Press, Talkarra Press, Sydney, 1954

Stewart, Douglas, Writers of the Bulletin, Australian Broadcasting Commission, Sydney, 1977

Symonds, John, The Great Beast: the life & magick of Aleister Crowley, Macdonald, London, 1971

Thwaite, Joy L., The Importance of Being Eve Langley, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1989

Wilde, William H., Joy Hooton, and Barry Andrews (eds), The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1985